Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Shipping within Russia

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Pick up your order from the warehouse closest to you or directly from the Krasny'i Mayak factory.

Export of Products

Export of Krasny'i Mayak products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All Krasny'i Mayak products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Krasny'i Mayak: surface vibrators, deep vibrators, vibration equipment, transformers, frequency converters, electric motors
  • Surface Vibrators Krasny'i Mayak
    Surface Vibrators
    IV-99N, IV-104N, IV-98N, etc.
  • Platform vibrators Krasny'i Mayak
    Platform vibrators
    RED LIGHTHOUSE 99, etc.
  • Deep vibrators Krasny'i Mayak
    Deep vibrators
    IV-75, IV-113, IV-117A, etc.
  • Vibration equipment Krasny'i Mayak
    Vibration equipment
    EV, VP, VU, etc.
  • Transformers Krasny'i Mayak
    TZI, OSM, etc.
  • Inverters  Krasny'i Mayak
    ISP-42, ISP-16, ISP-220, etc.
  • Electric motors  Krasny'i Mayak
    Electric motors
    5A50MA2, 5A50MV2, 5A50MA4, etc.
  • Connectors and cables Krasny'i Mayak
    Connectors and cables
    IE9901A, IE9902A, HCV-6, etc.
  • Control cabinets  Krasny'i Mayak
    Control cabinets
    SHU et al .


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